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Auditorium Sound System Care

Technologies can make them more impressive, and simpler to manage.

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Networked AV technology  allows centralised control over lighting, HVAC, sound, projection and video conferencing elements to allow the smooth execution of events with the help of smaller teams.Centralised management of the auditorium is enabled via touch-based controllers which allow event managers to stay in control even in the high-pressure environment that high-profile live events inevitably create. These control systems can be integrated with almost any electronic or electrical system including HVAC, sound systems, lighting, drapes, AV devices, projectors, screens, cameras, video conferencing systems etc.

Never overload the auditorium sound system

Overloading speakers and amplifiers are the main reason for equipment failure. These systems are designed for prolonged use and abuse, every electronic equipment has its threshold. Overload can be controlled in various ways. You can use a master limiter to control the dynamic range of the audio signal. Avoid signal clipping at all cost. Use an SPL meter to monitor this. If the signal levels are consistently at the RED on the SPL meter or mixer/amplifier, turn down the volume immediately.

Authorized users only

Always ensure that only authorized personnel have access to the control sound system. Many stakeholders use unauthorized access to the auditorium during actual performances and rehearsals.Many times, AV devices are made by non-technical staff. This is an avenue for equipment being used without much care or know-how.In addition, you can secure the equipment either via hardware or software locks.

 Stable power supply

To function properly, AV equipments requires a clean and stable power supply . If the auditorium is prone to interruptions in power supply, take necessary steps. You can rely on power generators or UPS in case of power failure. You can use power conditioners to ensure a clean and stable power supply. One of the best tools especially for non-technical users is a power sequencer.It allows safe usage by powering up or powering down devices in a logical and safe sequence.

Speaker Selection

Your choice of speakers should be based on coverage requirements and the size of the venue. There are some things to consider regarding the shape of the room and how the speakers will interact with boundaries, such as the walls, the ceiling, and the floor. Always listen to the speakers before buying, as not all of them are made equal. When choosing a speaker, you’ll want to consult the specification sheet, which should be readily available from most reputable manufacturers. The most important specs to know are the frequency response, SPL output, and dispersion. If you are using passive speakers, then you’ll need to know the wattage and impedance (ohms resistance).

Have AV Contractor Onboard

With dedicated personnel to handle your sound, AV equipment can reduce your equipment failure rate by half.As a trained professional, sound and AV engineers know how to use the equipment in the best way possible.If you can’t hire a dedicated expert, you can train yourself or any employee with basic knowledge.
Training allows you to understand the safe operation of all devices.

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