Video Call

Reason Why Your Conference Room Audio Is Driving You Up A Wall

Five Steps for Better Sound Quality in Conference Room

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Technical difficulties with sound quality are an inseparable part of any conference call. Imagine how many conferences calls you have been through – if you haven’t had a single audio issue, then you probably will sometime later.

One of the most common troubles is audio quality – whether it’s voice interruptions, freezing, or delayed audio, it will negatively affect the flow of the conference call.

To keep on working productive and ensure that your conference call experience is as smooth as possible, we’ve created a short guide on how to improve audio during conference calls. With this, you can face any technical issue like a hero.


The number one reason for poor audio conferencing is having the wrong product in the right room. Now, your audio device might be a great product but is just not suited for that room. It is CRUCIAL to have an audio conferencing solution that fulfills the needs of your collaboration space. Large spaces require more coverage than the hockey puck you have on the table. When choosing audio conferencing products, be sure to have a demonstration done to see if the solution would work in your space before you purchase it.


You may have the most cutting-edge audio conferencing setup, and to the other person, you sound fantastic. However, if the person on the other end is using poor quality devices or outdated technology, like a razor flip phone, then it’s no wonder you can’t hear them! Your audio conferencing quality is only as strong as the weakest device in use. So tell your friends to leave the flip phones back in the stone ages.


Do what you can to make the environment from which you’re calling a quiet and undisturbed one. If you’re in the office, find a small, closed room free of background chatter, music, or other noises. Don’t have more than one person dialing in from separate phones to the same call in the same room, unless they’re on headsets. Otherwise, you could get screeching feedback.


We know that collaboration spaces come in every shape and size. Each environment has it’s own unique sound and acoustics. Some of the most challenging rooms for audio pickup feature glass walls and open ceilings. One of the best ways to improve acoustics in these rooms is to add padding, carpeting, blinds, or curtains to treat the room.


Test your WiFi before the call starts and make sure it’s not used by too many users and devices so that the speed stays moderate. Ask your colleagues to turn off WiFi from the devices they don’t use or connect to another hotspot.

Without a good connection, your conference call will be a disaster. It will keep connecting and disconnecting multiple times, which will result in having an unproductive meeting and annoyed conference call participants.

To book your free demonstration or request a quotation just call us on +971 2 6767019. Alternatively, send an email to audio@officeplusuae.com and our representative will be happy to assist you.

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